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VIMuRe v0.1.3 (latest)

Module vimure.model

Module vimure.model

Inference model



class VimureModel(
    undirected: bool = False,
    mutuality: bool = True,
    convergence_tol: float = 0.1,
    decision: int = 1,
    verbose: bool = False


Fit a probabilistic generative model to double sampled networks. It returns reliability parameters for the reporters (theta), average interactions for the links (lambda) and the estimate of the true and unknown network (rho). The inference is performed with a Variational Inference approach.

📝 note: this closely follows the scikit-learn structure of classes


  • undirected : boolean

    Whether the network is undirected.

  • mutuality : boolean

    Whether to use the mutuality parameter.

  • convergence_tol : float

    Controls when to stop the optimisation algorithm (CAVI)


  • sklearn.base.TransformerMixin
  • sklearn.utils._set_output._SetOutputMixin
  • sklearn.base.BaseEstimator



def fit(
    theta_prior=(0.1, 0.1),
    lambda_prior=(10.0, 10.0),
    eta_prior=(0.5, 1.0),
    seed: int = None,


  • X : ndarray

    Network adjacency tensor.

  • theta_prior : 2D tuple

    Shape and scale hyperparameters for variable theta

  • lambda_prior : 2D tuple

    Shape and scale hyperparameters for variable lambda

  • eta_prior : 2D tuple

    Shape and scale hyperparameters for variable eta

  • rho_prior : None/ndarray

    Array with prior values of the rho parameter - if ndarray.

  • R : ndarray (optional)

    a multidimensional array L x N x N x M indicating which reports to consider

  • K : None/int (optional)

    Value of the maximum entry of the network - i

  • EPS : float (optional)

    White noise. Default: 1e-12

  • bias0 : float (optional)

    Bias for rho_prior entry 0. Default: 0.2

  • max_iter : int (optional)

    Maximum number of iteration steps before aborting. Default=500


  • self : object

    Returns the instance itself.


def get_inferred_model(self, method='rho_max', threshold=None):

Estimate Y

Use this function to reconstruct the Y matrix with a fitted vimure model. It will use model.rho_f values to extract an estimated Y matrix.

  • rho_max: Assign the value of the highest probability
  • rho_mean: Expected value of the discrete distribution
  • fixed_threshold: Check if the probability is higher than a threshold (Only for K=2)
  • heuristic_threshold: Calculate and use the best threshold (Only for K=2)


  • model : vm.model.VimureModel

    A vm.model.VimureModel object

  • method : str

    A character string indicating which method is to be computed.

One of “rho_max” (default), “rho_mean”, “fixed_threshold” or “heuristic_threshold”. - threshold : float

A threshold to be used when method = "fixed_threshold".


  • Y : ndarray



def get_posterior_estimates(self):

Get posterior estimates

Use this function to get the posterior estimates of the model parameters


  • posterior_estimates : dict

    A dictionary with the posterior estimates of the model parameters (nu, theta, lambda, rho). See 💻 Tutorial 02.


def sample_inferred_model(self, N=1, seed=None):

Sample Y trials from rho distribution

Use this function to sample Y trials with a fitted vimure model. It will use model.rho_f as the probabilities of a discrete distribution.


  • model : vm.model.VimureModel

    A vm.model.VimureModel object

  • N : int

    Number of trials

  • seed : int

    A pseudo generator seed


  • Y : List[ndarray]

    A list of trials

Module vimure.synthetic

Module vimure.synthetic

Code to generate synthetic networks that emulates directed double-sample questions networks

You can read more about our synthetic network generation in our paper: (De Bacco et al. 2023)



def build_custom_theta(
    gt_network: BaseSyntheticNetwork,
    theta_ratio: float = 0.5,
    exaggeration_type: str = 'over',
    seed: int = None

Instead of the regular generative model for theta ~ Gamma(sh,sc), create a more extreme scenario where some percentage of reporters are exaggerating.


gt_network : BaseSyntheticNetwork A network generated from a generative model. - theta_ratio : float

Percentage of reporters who exaggerate.
  • exaggeration_type : str

    (“over”, “under”)

  • seed : int

    If not set, use gt_network.prng instead.


  • theta : numpy.array

    A L x M matrix for theta.


def build_self_reporter_mask(gt_network):

Build the reporters’ mask in a way such that:

  • A reporter m can report ties in which she is ego: m --> i
  • A reporter m can report ties in which she is alter: i --> m
  • A reporter m cannot report ties she is not involved, that is i --> j where i != m and j != m


gt_network : BaseSyntheticNetwork Generative ground truth model.



class BaseSyntheticNetwork(
    N: int = 100,
    M: int = 100,
    L: int = 1,
    K: int = 2,
    seed: int = 0,

A base abstract class for generation and management of synthetic networks. Suitable for representing any type of synthetic network (whether SBM or not).


  • N : int

    Number of nodes.

  • M : int

    Number of reporters.

  • L : int

    Number of layers.

  • K : int

    Maximum edge weight in the adjacency matrix. When K=2, the adjacency matrix will contain some Y_{ij}=0 and Y_{ij}=1.

  • seed : int

    Pseudo random generator seed to use.


  • vimure._io.BaseNetwork



class DegreeCorrectedSBM(
    exp_in: float = 2,
    exp_out: float = 2.5,

Degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel.

A generative model that incorporates heterogeneous vertex degrees into stochastic blockmodels, improving the performance of the models for statistical inference of group structure. For more information about this model, see (Karrer and Newman 2011).


  • exp_in : float

    Exponent power law of in-degree distribution.

  • exp_out : float

    Exponent power law of out-degree distribution.

  • kwargs : dict

    Additional arguments of StandardSBM.



class HollandLaskeyLeinhardtModel(**kwargs):

A base abstract class for generation and management of synthetic networks. Suitable for representing any type of synthetic network (whether SBM or not).


  • N : int

    Number of nodes.

  • M : int

    Number of reporters.

  • L : int

    Number of layers.

  • K : int

    Maximum edge weight in the adjacency matrix. When K=2, the adjacency matrix will contain some Y_{ij}=0 and Y_{ij}=1.

  • seed : int

    Pseudo random generator seed to use.



class Multitensor(eta=0.5, ExpM=None, **kwargs):

A generative model with reciprocity

A mathematically principled generative model for capturing both community and reciprocity patterns in directed networks. Adapted from (Safdari, Contisciani, and De Bacco 2021).

Generate a directed, possibly weighted network by using the reciprocity generative model. Can be used to generate benchmarks for networks with reciprocity.


  1. Generate the latent variables.
  2. Extract A_{ij} entries (network edges) from a Poisson distribution; its mean depends on the latent variables.

Note: Open Source code available at https://github.com/mcontisc/CRep and modified in accordance with its license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Hadiseh Safdari, Martina Contisciani and Caterina De Bacco.


  • eta : float

    Initial value for the reciprocity coefficient. Eta has to be in [0, 1).

  • ExpM : int

    Expected number of edges

kwargs Additional arguments of StandardSBM



class StandardSBM(
    C: int = 2,
    structure: str = None,
    avg_degree: float = 2,
    sparsify: bool = True,
    overlapping: float = 0.0,

Creates a standard stochastic block-model synthetic network.

A generative graph model which assumes the probability of connecting two nodes in a graph is determined entirely by their block assignments. For more information about this model, see Holland, P. W., Laskey, K. B., & Leinhardt, S. (1983). Stochastic blockmodels: First steps. Social networks, 5(2), 109-137. DOI:10.1016/0378-8733(83)90021-7


  • C : int

    Number of communities

  • structure : str

    Structures for the affinity tensor w. It can be ‘assortative’ or ‘disassortative’.

It can be a list to map structure for each layer in a multilayer graph. - avg_degree : float

Desired average degree for the network. It is not guaranteed that the

ultimate network will have that exact average degree value. Try tweaking this parameter if you want to increase or decrease the density of the network. - sparsify : bool

If True (default), enforce sparsity.
  • overlapping : float

    Fraction of nodes with mixed membership. It has to be in [0, 1).

kwargs Additional arguments of [StandardSBM](vimure.#vimure.synthetic.StandardSBM)



Module vimure.utils

Module vimure.utils



def apply_rho_threshold(model, threshold=None):

Apply a threshold to binarise the rho matrix and return the recovered Y


def calculate_AUC(pred, data0, mask=None):

Return the AUC of the link prediction. It represents the probability that a randomly chosen missing connection (true positive) is given a higher score by our method than a randomly chosen pair of unconnected vertices (true negative).


  • pred : ndarray

    Inferred values.

  • data0 : ndarray

    Given values.

  • mask : ndarray

    Mask for selecting a subset of the adjacency tensor.


AUC value.


def calculate_average_over_reporter_mask(X, R):


def calculate_overall_reciprocity(Y):


def get_item_array_from_subs(A, ref_subs):

Get values of ref_subs entries of a dense tensor. Output is a 1-d array with dimension = number of non zero entries.


def get_optimal_threshold(model):

https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.11396.pdf pg 8


def is_sparse(X):

Check whether the input tensor is sparse. It implements a heuristic definition of sparsity. A tensor is considered sparse if: given M = number of modes S = number of entries I = number of non-zero entries then N > M(I + 1)


  • X : ndarray

    Input data.


Boolean flag: true if the input tensor is sparse, false otherwise.


def match_arg(x, lst):


def preprocess(X):

Pre-process input data tensor. If the input is sparse, returns an int sptensor. Otherwise, returns an int dtensor.


  • X : ndarray/list

    Input data.


  • X : sptensor/dtensor

    Pre-processed data. If the input is sparse, returns an int sptensor. Otherwise, returns an int dtensor.


def sparse_max(A, B):

Return the element-wise maximum of sparse matrices A and B.


def sptensor_from_dense_array(X):

Create an sptensor from a ndarray or dtensor.


  • X : ndarray

    Input data.


sptensor from a ndarray or dtensor.


def sptensor_from_list(X):

Create an sptensor a sptensor from a list.

Assuming it is a list of dimensions L x M with sparse matrices as elements


def transpose_ij(M):

Compute the transpose of a matrix.


  • M : numpy.array

    Numpy matrix.


Transpose of the matrix.


De Bacco, Caterina, Martina Contisciani, Jonathan Cardoso-Silva, Hadiseh Safdari, Gabriela Lima Borges, Diego Baptista, Tracy Sweet, et al. 2023. “Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply Reported Social Network Data.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, February, qnac004. https://doi.org/10.1093/jrsssa/qnac004.
Karrer, Brian, and M. E. J. Newman. 2011. “Stochastic Blockmodels and Community Structure in Networks.” Physical Review E 83 (1): 016107. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.83.016107.
Safdari, Hadiseh, Martina Contisciani, and Caterina De Bacco. 2021. “Generative Model for Reciprocity and Community Detection in Networks.” Physical Review Research 3 (2): 023209. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.023209.